Due to technical difficulties, mailing lists were non functional since, roughly, last summer. They are now back online but we had to start afresh. Please register (again) to read from us and discuss about your difficulties. See the dedicated page for details.
Please read the OpenBACH Contributor Agreement before downloading the sources and sign it if you wish to contribute to the project.
The OpenBACH sources are hosted on the github forge from the Net4Sat platform.
You can fork the OpenBACH projects on GitHub:
git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/CNES/openbach.git
git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/CNES/openbach-extra.git
Please look at OpenBACH documentation for more details.
Viveris Technologies is the main developper and creator of OpenBACH, and and has a long experience on open-source projects such as OpenSAND, ROHC, etc.