Due to technical difficulties, mailing lists were non functional since, roughly, last summer. They are now back online but we had to start afresh. Please register (again) to read from us and discuss about your difficulties. See the dedicated page for details.

Related tools and Jobs

OpenBACH is capable of performing tasks on different distant Agents thanks to the Jobs.

A Job is defined as a number of individual tasks to be executed in a sole Agent. A job might be able to launch/configure other existing software tools (e.g. ping/iperf), configure OS parameters and/or collect/generate statistics. Therefore, the Job might include an existing tool in order to controle the tool, parse its output, compute statistics and/or many others tasks. This is done in order to adapt the tool to the needs of OpenBACH and/or to the target benchmark depending on the needs of users.

OpenBACH jobs can be found on the OpenBACH repository and on the OpenBACH extra repository :

  • OpenBACH - Admin jobs: Core administration jobs for internal OpenBACH use
  • OpenBACH - Core jobs: Minimal Metrology jobs which are embedded in the installation. Supported by OpenBACH team
  • OpenBACH Extra - Stable jobs: Stable jobs supported by the OpenBACH team that are not installed by default but easily added to your platform.
  • OpenBACH Extra - Experimental jobs: Experimental jobs that have been used but not supported (they may have bugs).